Friday, 18 March 2011

Music magazine conents page final

For my music magazine content page, i have done one draft of this which i have published onto my blog, which was the first draft that i ever came up with for the design of this. However shown below is my final design for what i wanted my music magazine contents page to look like, although i also have another version of this just with different writing on it for the layout of this. i looked at various contents pages in order to choose what type of design i wanted to have as my final contents page design, and to help me with the ideas of what colour, etc to include in this.
shown below is my first draft of my conetnts page ideas.

i looked at this and evaluated what i have used, and then realised that there was too much writing to be included in my contents page and i changed the colours to then make them more bold and eye catching. Here is my final draft for my music magazine contents page.

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