In the making of my pliminary task, and my music magazine for some of our media lessons we had Alan Thompson in who was a media photoshop expert and he has helped me with learning how to use the technology, and i think that with his expert help it has helped me end up with my final professional looking maagzine.
1. The title of my music magazine
For the masterhead of my magazine i used paint, in order to make this as i wrote out the 'RIOT' title, and then used the paint brush in paint and coloured in the riot with the colour red, and then outlined this using black. I also left some spaces in the riot title blank so that i could then colour some of these in with the black paint to make my title stand out more. I stuck with the colours black and red because these colours seemed to be the calssic colours associated with rock- which is the genre of my magazine. For example it can be compaired to the magazine 'Q' as this magazine uses the colour red, and futhermore this can me compaired to magazines like the likes of 'Kerrange' as this is the colour black and has lines in this and is also coloured in using black which is simarly like my design.
However the masterhead for my magazine does challenge the codes and conventions of real magazines as the 'riot' is thick and bold, whereas the 'Q' is thin and sleek. This challnged the coventions of magazines because masterheads are normally thin and eyecatching. in spite of this, i think my masterhead works well because it combines the colours of two well known music magazines and encourapartes both of these designs and colours well, making it unique and therefore more eye catching, and something consumers will remember so therefore when they came to look up, or buy this magazine they would remember this very well.
2. Mis-en-scene of images
I think the mis-en-scene of my images follow the codes and conventions of magazines. This is because, i have used a variety of images ranging from a brick wall for the background on my contents page, similar to those used in magazines such as 'Kerrang!' and 'Rock Sound'. Also a black and white image of a guitarist, which fit in well with the concept of my magazine because they refflet the essence of rock that i was trying to capture within my work for this magazine. In addition to this, the majority of my images follow the conventions of magazines by displaying the guitarist as hard at work, and very concentrated not caring what any one else thinks, just caring about their music. This is portrayed by their mode of address- they are looking away from the camera, and then straight into the camera in all of the shots.
3. Costumes and props
The costumes and props which are used throughout ' RIOT' are conventional. This is because the band which i have used in my magazine ' DRIVEN OVERBOARD' wore clothes such as, skinny jeans and a top, with black shoes- which is the classic look for someone who is involved in a rock band, also having long hair swaying over their face which the image on the front of my music magazine has. All of these items could be found in real music magazines. In addition to this the props and features are commenly used in existing magazines as they are staples of a rock star image for example; sunglasses to create a rock star image, however i felt that the images that i have used provayed the connatations of rock very well into my music magazine so that i didnt need to use and improvations and props for my imaging.
4. People
The people who are used in my music magazine are quite unconventional. This is because they are younge and not strange or obscure in their appearance as some bands can be to try and expose themselves and their personality throughout their image which are feautured in rock band, in addition to this most of the bands which are out mowadays seem to be four/fiver pieces. Therefore i have been uncoventional by using a three piece band consistion of three males. However because my target audience is teenagers, with a slight biast towards males with the way that my magazine has been written i think that the uncoventional choice of people in relation to existing magazines, wont be an issue. This is because i used a male teenager as my main focus image on my front cover, using him as the main guitarist in focus, as oppose to the singer, the audience will therefore be able to relate and aspire to be like them; the target audience for my music magaizine are more likely to be intrested in a teenage band which is featured within this magazine, than a middle aged radical band.
3. Title font and style
I createdthe title 'RIOT' i used paint, in order to make this as i wrote out the 'RIOT' title, and then used the paint brush in paint and coloured in the riot with the colour red, and then outlined this using black. i think that my title is slightly unconventional in the sense that the letters are different sizes, and some have the black lines in them which i have coloured in using paint, and some of them are still white/grey which i have left like this to add effect to this. However i feel that by doing this, it will then appeal more to my teenage audience because of this visual imapt as most music magazines just have one block colour for their design of their title, and with mine i have included 3 off the maoin styles which are included in music magazines titles. In addition to this, the way the title looks wore away and as if it has been burnt away, it iks slighty rough and ragged which can convey the genre of my magazine-rock. This can then be shown as smilar to real music magazines like the ones which i have annalysed at the start of my of my project when designing the magazine.
6. Written content
The written content of my magazine follows the codes and conventions of real music magazines by covering similar topics and questions. For example; it asks about the bands first gig, and where this was played, whats on their ipod, how they came up with their name, what their album is about, and album dates etc. All of these topics could be found in a real music magazine aimed at teenagers and young adults. In addition to this, the standfirst follows conventions by introducing the band at the start of the interview, and saying what they are about etc. The standfirst follows the conventions by introducing the band at the start of the interview which i have stated above. Also the editors letter which i have featured on the top of the page for my music magzine contents page has a chatty, intresting and knowolagable approach to introducing what is in my magazine which is very conventional.
7. Music Genre and how your magazine suggests it
The main genre of my music magazine is rock, however there are some indi influences within this however they are not the main focus for example; i have based a double page interview on a rock band as well as using them for the main focus of my music magazine front cover. However there are still some underscovered indi acts which would have been included in my magazine, which there are some pictures of on my contents page. This is clear throughought my magazine due to the props on display. For Example, i used a plectrum as the page number for my contents and double page spread, a guitar as the image on the front page of the magazine with the guitaritist in motion. In addition to this, the bands that are listed on the front page are the same genre as those that are listed in the contents page. As well as this i have used red,black, and white colours throughout my magazine as the main focus point whicha re classic rock magazine colour. The mis-en-scene of the images then makes the main focus point of the eyes to look at my masterhead which is very bold and eyecatching. Real magazines suggest their genre due to the images and colurs that they have used throughout, so therefore my music magazine follow the codes and conventions of a real music magazine that is out in the market at this time.
8. Layout
The layout of my magazine is mainly conventional. This is highlighted on the double page spread which displayes and interview which is in colums beneath the album dates of the band and at the side of the image of the gitarist. As well as this, my fronmt cover follows layout conventions by having the masterhead at the top of the page and very bold so that it is very eye catching, and directs the readers attention to thi also in my double page spread there is a collumn at the far right hand side of the page which is the top 3 rated questions by the public which they wanted to ask the band so therefore it is involving them within the music magazine rather than just having the interview where we will have asked them all of the questions. Hoowever where the bar code is put is unconventional as it is displayed in a different way to it would have normally been in the bottom right hand corner.
9. Contents page
My contents page contains elements that follow the codes and conventions of an existing mysic magazine. For example it features an editoral which includes a hand written signature from the editor as well as a photo which involves the readers much more. However in comparison to the music magazine contents pages which i have deconstructed at the start of this project, the layout of my contents page is not a regimated and as block like where the likes of kerrange would be block colours and very defined images, which makes this slightly unconventional. However i feel that inspite of this the genre is still eveidently obvious to the reader due to the arrangement of the pimages and the brick wall which i have included for my pictures to have as a backdrop and the colours which i have used. i also used an un structural layout to try and make it more edgy and not boring and like ones which are out at the moment, thus being more appealing to my teenage audience.
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